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Making Tech Simple for Entrepreneurs

Technology can be frustrating even when it is working properly, but when it has you so stressed out you can't even think, then you are probably not going to be able to get the work done even for platforms you already have the skills for. Join my group Making Tech Simple for awesome holistic tech tips. I know that is not a word usually used in the tech space, so read on for more | click here to join

A holistic approach to something means knowing that you need to look at the whole vs. the separate parts, and that is just as true in the tech you use for your business as it is in the way you take care of yourself. Using the right tools is important in all aspects of being an entrepreneur—whether it's the tech you choose to take care of your business or how you choose to take care of yourself—because as an entrepreneur, you are your business. Whether you are stressed from a platform you don't understand or sore because you are sitting for hours at a time at your computer, there is an array of things that to anyone else would be a relatively small inconvenience, but it can have a much bigger impact on you because you are the driving force behind your business.

What’s more frustrating than tech that doesn’t work? Tech that doesn’t work that you didn’t need to be using in the first place! I have clients all the time who are subscribed to an array of different tech platforms that overlap and do the same thing or are using 12 separate platforms when they could use one that provides multiple features. When you look at your business and ask what tools & features you need as a whole and find those tools that will actually provide you the ability to input your rinse & repeat client process to ensure you never miss a step along the client journey, both your wellbeing and your business can flourish.

One of the first steps to making tech simple is getting you in the right headspace, and that means self-care. If you are stressed out, your back or wrists are hurting from sitting at your desk all day, or you are dehydrated, your brain will not be working at peak performance, and things you should be able to get done easily become much harder.

From getting adequate sleep to putting good protein in your body, actually removing yourself from your desk and moving your body, and my favorite, using aromatherapy, you must take care of yourself so you are able to be your best self. When you are your best self, it will put you at a leg up when working with technology, and in the end you’ll also be serving your clients better, which will result in them getting a better experience and more referrals back to you!

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